Friday, August 12, 2011

Luscious Peach Squares

I found a sticky note while cleaning out my pantry. It read, " cake mix on sheet, cream cheese, cool whip, peaches, orange jello". Not quite sure what it was supposed to be, I vaguely recalled an old co-worker from 6 years ago telling me about her favorite recipe. I think I had jotted down what I could remember, then took it home and never made it.

Here is what I created from these notes. It is super delicious. It's like strawberry shortcake and peaches & creme meets fruit pizza. Very light and perfect for summer.

Luscious Peach Squares
  • 1 white cake mix
  • 1 (8 0z) pkg cream cheese
  • 12 oz cool whip
  • 1/2 cup powder sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 6-8 cups sliced peaches
  • 4 cups peach juice or nectar
  • 1 pkg orange jello
  • 4 Tbsp corn starch
Place 2 cups on peach juice in freezer. Grease and flour a sheet cake pan. Prepare cake mix according to directions on box. Pour onto pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 17 minutes or until golden on top. Set aside and cool. In a saucepan mix two cups of peach juice with 4 Tbsp corn starch until dissolved. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add jello. Stir until dissolved. Remove peach juice from freezer and add to saucepan and stir. Place in fridge for 15-20 minutes.

In a bowl, whip cream cheese and cool whip together. Add powder sugar. Spread over top of cake. Spoon peaches over topping. Pour chilled peach glaze over the top and refrigerate cake for 2-4 hours. The longer it refrigerates the more solid the glazed peaches will be. Enjoy!

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