Monday, April 29, 2013

Lil' Piggies

I read the nursery ryhme the Three Little Pigs to my son's 1st grade class. Then I had them make these. It was the only craft/treat I could think of. Now, I didn't have strawberry cake mix on hand when I came up with this idea, so I used a white cake mix and added strawberry jell-o. This is how I made my coconut lime cupcakes. I have to say that a box of jell-O changes the chemistry of the cake mix and somehow makes it softer. These are cute and they are delicious!!

 For the muddy piggy effect, just sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on their faces!

Lil' Piggies
  • 1 box white cake mix (eggs, oil and water according to directions on box)
  • 1 pkg strawberry gelatin
  • 1 pkg strawberry wafers
  • 1 bag strawberry marshmallows (cut in half)
  • 1 bag chocolate chips
  • 1 can black cake decorating frosting 
  • chocolate sprinkles
  • 1 can Pillsbury Strawberry frosting
Mix cupcakes according to directions on box. Add entire box of strawberry gelatin. Mix well and bake according to directions on box. Cool.

Spread strawberry frosting on top. Place halved marshmallows for pig snouts on top. Dot nostrils with black frosting. Use chocolate chops for the eyes. Take wafers and cut on angles to create triangles for the ears. Sprinkle chocolate sprinkles under snout. Enjoy!

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