Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweet Apple Bacon Meatball Skewers

Mmmm! I saw a picture of something similar in a German cookbook. Here's my version! I love the sweet crispy coating on the bacon and the way those baked apples taste - they create a nice aroma in your oven. The meatballs soak in the sweet flavors and it's delicious!

I served mine with mini yellow potatoes and salad.

Sweet Apple Bacon Meatball Skewers
  • 1 bag frozen meatballs (not Italian kind)
  • 1 pkg of bacon
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 crisp gala apples, cut into wedges
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Arrange bacon, apples and meatballs on skewers in a pattern. Place on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle brown sugar over skewers. Bake for twenty minutes or until bacon is crisp. Enjoy!.

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