Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lindsey's Fried Pickles on a Stick

Carnival food at it's finest! Oh how I love fried pickles, but boy are they hot when they come out of the fryer. One day I thought how much more convenient it would be to have them on a stick! And of course fry them whole. This was a hit with my kids! I had a quick vision that I had a food truck business called "Pickles on a Stick" It was fun to dream for a minute. I'm sure this will become an instant hit on Pinterest - but remember, you saw it here first! :)

  •  Canola oil (enough to fill your deep fryer) 
  • 1 jar of crisp whole dill pickles
  • 1 cup flour
  • 6 eggs, beaten
  • 2 cups of seasoned Panko crumbs 
  • Wooden skewer sticks

Insert wooden sticks into pickles and set on a tray. Set up three soup plates - one with eggs, one with flour and the other with crumbs (you can also use freezer bags for less of a mess).When oil is hot and ready (it will bubble and pop when you drop something in) dip pickles back in pickle juice one at a time, roll into flour, roll into egg mixture, roll back in flour, roll again in eggs, and roll in crumbs. Place in deep fryer. Fry about 2-3 minutes per pickle or until golden and crisp. Place on baking sheet and keep warm in oven (do not cover).

Serve hot with cool Ranch dip. Enjoy!

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