Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cranberry Orange Pull Apart

So in case you haven't noticed my favorite books to read are cookbooks. Lately I have been reading my mom's ward cookbook and here is recipe that I have deemed as my favorite!! It was submitted by Dina Hinrichsen. This not only makes your house smell delicious and welcoming but it works well as a bribe tool to get your kids to be good! I set it on the table fresh out of the oven (after I have frosted it of course ) and let the family just dig in. The original recipe calls for orange rolls but they didn't have any at my Walmart so I bought cinnamon and then just added orange juice to the frosting. It turned out super yummy and moist! (Just be careful..I forgot to put the tinfoil on at the end of baking time and the tops of my rolls got singed a bit.) Just follow the directions below.

Cranberry Orange Pull Apart
  • 12 Rhodes Orange Rolls (or cinnamon), thawed but still cold
  • 1 small package of dried instant vanilla pudding
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 orange rind, grated
  • 1/2 cup butter melted
  • 1/2 orange, squeezed
  • cream cheese frosting is included with the rolls
Cut rolls in half and roll in dried pudding mix. Arrange, alternately with cranberries and orange rind in large Bundt pan that has been sprayed with cooking oil. Sprinkle remaining pudding over rolls. Pour melted butter over top. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until double in size. Remove wrap and bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. During the last 15 minutes cover with tin foil to avoid burning on the top. Immediately invert into a platter. Add orange juice to cream cheese frosting and drizzle over top.

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