Wednesday, October 23, 2013

La Victoria Green Taco Sauce

Ever wonder what to do with all those green tomatoes at the end of the season? I used to always wonder until I came up with this idea. This is my own recipe and I apologize because I didn't record measurements I just threw ingredients in until it tasted just like the real deal even though it has less ingredients. I would recommend adding small amounts of the salt and vinegar until it reaches your liking - so you don't accidentally overdo it. It's so simple to make. No peeling skins, slicing or any tiring steps - just boiling, blending, some flavoring and you are good to fill your jars. I love it!

I have an awesome recipe I created years ago using green taco sauce - it's a family favorite - Green Enchiladas. My husband prefers La Victoria green taco sauce to any salsa. We use it on nachos, as a dip, on tacos and burritos and of course enchiladas! Mix it it with sour cream, mayo, jalapenos, cilantro and ranch seasoning for an amazing dip!

La Victoria Green Taco Sauce
  • Large pot of green tomatoes
  • white distilled vinegar
  • salt 
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder

Bring large pot of water to a boil. Wash green tomatoes and place in boiling water. Be sure to pull off stems. Boil for about 10-15 minutes until tomatoes are very soft. Dump out hot water and rinse tomatoes in cold water until they are cooled. Place batches at a time in the blender and then pour puree back into pot. Do this until all tomatoes have been pureed. Add vinegar (1/4 cup at a time until it reaches your liking), salt, onion powder and garlic powder. The vinegar helps preserve the sauce but also creates the popular tangy flavor of the taco sauce. Add salt 1 tsp at a time until it reaches your liking.

Pour puree into sterile jars and screw on lids. Boil in hot water bath for 45 minutes. Remove and check the following morning of all jars have been sealed. If not you can boil again or place in the fridge. Enjoy!


  1. This looks like an easy recipe to use my abundance of green tomatoes. Definitely going to try it. Yummmmm

  2. Just put 6 half pints into the canner, had a little left in my pot so tried it with a tortilla chip, very good!! Thanks for sharing this!! I also forgot to keep track of quantity but it tastes good so thats what matters right!

  3. I'm a very beginner here. Does it matter if you use bigger jars? Does it change the water bath time?

  4. Can this be frozen instead of putting them in sealed jars?

  5. Try this: When you put the green tomatoes in the blender, add a bunch of raw will totally take it to another level of flavor...

  6. I made 14 pints of this last night, added a little garlic and cumin... GREAT enchilada sauce! I used a little over 1 cup of vinegar and about 2 tbsp of salt.

  7. Thanks for all the tips! For some reason it has not been alerting me when I have new comments. Sorry I haven't responded. I think if you use smaller or larger jars you are still safe keeping the bath to 45 minutes.

  8. Made 6 half pints yesterday. Added a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to spice it up a notch, delicious! Thanks for a great recipe to use up my green tomatoes!

  9. I never "follow", but will this time!! Love this post, LOVE your kitchen!! Just beautiful! Thanks for the recipe, gonna try tom !! Here in NC the tomatoes are in (green ones) and frost predicted tonight. I am TIRED of green tomato pickles. But never, never tired of fried green tomatoes:) YUMMMMMM I can pretty much everything, and garden on a large scale. Thanks for the idea, gonna play with it and have fun tomorrow. Kind Regards, Dawn

  10. I never "follow", but will this time!! Love this post, LOVE your kitchen!! Just beautiful! Thanks for the recipe, gonna try tom !! Here in NC the tomatoes are in (green ones) and frost predicted tonight. I am TIRED of green tomato pickles. But never, never tired of fried green tomatoes:) YUMMMMMM I can pretty much everything, and garden on a large scale. Thanks for the idea, gonna play with it and have fun tomorrow. Kind Regards, Dawn

  11. I enjoyed this taco sauce in the past year so much I am canning it again tonight! Thank you for sharing it, I love it!

  12. This is a good starting recipe. I kept tasting back and forth between the bottled stuff and the recipe. What I tasted it that the La Victoria has a LOT of Cumin and more lime juice. Also the first ingredient is Green Peppers, which one should add in large quantity toasted in the oven or toaster oven to add more authentic flavor.
