Fancy Schmancy Asparagus
- 1 bunch of fresh asparagus, sliced into threes
- Marinated olives (red, green and black)
- 1 lemon
- Minced garlic
- roasted red peppers (in a jar)
- Capers
- olive oil
- salt & pepper
Okay, so there really are no measurements for this. To be honest, I went to the olive bar at Smith's and purchased 8 oz of this stuff already prepared, so it was very easy. To make it yourself, just mince up your olives and roasted red peppers and place in a bowl (about 1 cup of minced olives and 1/2 cup minced peppers). Stir in minced garlic, about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of capers, 1/4 cup olive oil, squeeze a fresh lemon and salt and pepper.
Steam your asparagus or I like to boil mine for just a few minutes (I like them crisp not soggy). Then place them on a serving platter. Toss in your olive mix and evenly coat. Then squeeze more fresh lemon over the top and grate a lemon for some nice lemon zest flavor. Enjoy!!
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